Sunday, January 25, 2009

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance


Book Description
This course focuses on the causes of poor network performance including packet-loss, retransmissions, high latency, low throughput rates, minimal bandwidth, application errors, configuration faults, resolution problems and protocol behavior problems. Section 1: Analyzer Placement a) Analyzing Hubbed Networks b) Analyzing Switched Networks c) Analyzing Routed Networks d) Analyzing WAN Links e) Capturing in Stealth Mode Section 2: Normal Network Communications a) When Everything Goes Right b) The Multi-Step Resolution Process c) Building the Packet Section 3: Causes of Performance Problems a) Where Network Faults Occur b) Time is of the Essence Section 4: Wireshark Functions for Troubleshooting a) Using Pre-Defined Coloring Rules b) Basic and Advanced IO Graphs c) Use the Delta Time Value d) Analyze Expert Information
e) Look Who s Talking f) Graph Bandwidth Use, Round Trip Time and TCP Performance g) Flow Graphing h) Statistics (Various) Section 5: Latency Issues a) The Five Primary Points in Calculating Latency b) Plotting High Latency Times c) Free Latency Calculators d) Using the frame.time_delta Filter Section 6: Packet Loss and Retransmissions a) Packet Loss and Recovery UDP v. TCP b) Previous Segment Lost Events c) Duplicate ACKs d) TCP Retransmissions and Fast Retransmissions e) Out-of-Order Segments Section 7: Misconfigurations and Redirections a) Visible Misconfigurations b) Don t Forget the Time Section 8: Dealing with Congestion a) Shattered Windows b) Flooded Out Section 9: Baseline Network Communications a) Your First Task When You Finish this Class
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WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part01

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part02

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part03

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part04

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part05

WSU03: Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance part06

(Thank u)

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