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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance
This course focuses on the causes of poor network performance including packet-loss, retransmissions, high latency, low throughput rates, minimal bandwidth, application errors, configuration faults, resolution problems and protocol behavior problems. Section
1: Analyzer Placement a) Analyzing Hubbed Networks b) Analyzing Switched Networks c) Analyzing Routed Networks d) Analyzing WAN Links e) Capturing in Stealth Mode Section
2: Normal Network Communications a) When Everything Goes Right b) The Multi-Step Resolution Process c) Building the Packet Section
3: Causes of Performance Problems a) Where Network Faults Occur b) Time is of the Essence Section
4: Wireshark Functions for Troubleshooting a) Using Pre-Defined Coloring Rules b) Basic and Advanced IO Graphs c) Use the Delta Time Value d) Analyze Expert Information
e) Look Who s Talking f) Graph Bandwidth Use, Round Trip Time and TCP Performance g) Flow Graphing h) Statistics (Various) Section
5: Latency Issues a) The Five Primary Points in Calculating Latency b) Plotting High Latency Times c) Free Latency Calculators d) Using the frame.time_delta Filter Section
6: Packet Loss and Retransmissions a) Packet Loss and Recovery UDP v. TCP b) Previous Segment Lost Events c) Duplicate ACKs d) TCP Retransmissions and Fast Retransmissions e) Out-of-Order Segments Section
7: Misconfigurations and Redirections a) Visible Misconfigurations b) Don t Forget the Time Section
8: Dealing with Congestion a) Shattered Windows b) Flooded Out Section
9: Baseline Network Communications a) Your First Task When You Finish this Class
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Wireshark Functionality and Fundamentals
Learn to use Wireshark efficiently and effectively by placing your analyzer in an ideal location to capture traffic (even on a switched network). Learn to focus on key traffic using capture filters and display filters. Graph
traffic, use navigation and colorization techniques and time values to easily spot network problems. Customize your Wireshark system and use the Expert system to identify problem areas. Learn how tshark, editcap, capinfos and other command-line tools work and test yourself by completing lab exercises.
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Wireshark TCP/IP Network Analysis
This course focuses on both the normal and abnormal communication patterns of the TCP/IP suite and most common applications including DHCP, DNS, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, POP and SMTP. Course Overview - Introduction Section
1: TCP/IP Functionality Overview a) Resources and References for Analysts b) Capture on Hubbed, Switched and Routed Networks c) The TCP/IP Resolution Process d) Packets Going the Wrong Way e) Faults in the Resolution Process f) Test Yourself: What If Section
2: Analyze DNS Traffic a) Understand DNS Packet Structure b) Filter on DNS Traffic c) Analyze Normal DNS Traffic d) Analyze Unusual DNS Traffic Section
3: Analyze ARP Traffic a) Understand ARP Packet Structure b) Filter on ARP Traffic c) Analyze Normal ARP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual ARP Traffic Section
4: Analyze IPv4 Traffic a) Understand IPv4 Packet Structure
b) Filter on IPv4 Traffic c) Analyze Normal IPv4 Traffic d) Analyze Unusual IPv4 Traffic Section
5: Analyze ICMP Traffic a) Understand ICMP Packet Structure b) Filter on ICMP Traffic c) Analyze Normal ICMP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual ICMP Traffic Section
6: Analyze UDP Traffic a) Understand UDP Packet Structure b) Filter on UDP Traffic c) Analyze Normal UDP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual UDP Traffic Section
7: Analyze TCP Traffic a) Understand TCP Packet Structure b) Filter on TCP Traffic c) Analyze Normal TCP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual TCP Traffic Section
8: Analyze DHCP Traffic a) Understand DHCP Packet Structure b) Filter on DHCP Traffic c) Analyze Normal DHCP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual DHCP Traffic Section
9: Analyze HTTP Traffic a) Understand HTTP Packet Structure b) Filter on HTTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal HTTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual HTTP Traffic Section
10: Analyze Telnet Traffic a) Understand Telnet Packet Structure b) Filter on Telnet Traffic c) Analyze Normal Telnet Traffic d) Analyze Unusual Telnet Traffic Section
11: Analyze FTP Traffic a) Understand FTP Packet Structure b) Filter on FTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal FTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual FTP Traffic Section
12: Analyze POP Traffic a) Understand POP Packet Structure b) Filter on POP Traffic c) Analyze Normal POP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual POP Traffic Section
13: Analyze SMTP Traffic a) Understand SMTP Packet Structure b) Filter on SMTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal SMTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual SMTP Traffic.
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